
Bouncing Back After Baby


I recently gave birth to my first child and I'm finding it harder than expected to get back into shape. How can a new mom like me bounce back from their postpartum body?


One of the all-time most frequent questions I get is, “How do I lose the baby weight?”

Jillian Michaels Hot Body, Healthy Mommy

Jillian Michaels Hot Body, Healthy Mommy is the perfect workout for getting your body back after having a baby. When your doctor has cleared you for exercise and you’re ready to get back into fitness, you will get fantastic results with this DVD. Jillian worked with renowned pregnancy fitness expert Andrea Orbeck to provide three incredibly effective workouts, each focusing on a different section of your body— an upper body workout to focus on arms, chest and back, a lower body workout that tones the buns and thighs, and a core strengthening workout.